Skinny Chicken Carbonara

This Carbonara is just as tasty as the classic just without all the guilt it comes with.
This recipe is low fat as it contains no diary but still manages to be creamy smooth just like a the classic dish! If you're looking for to make some healthier food choices then try this recipe out, I promise it won't disappoint!
Kevin Owen - Skinny Chicken Carabonara
Ingredients for 1 serving
80g spaghetti
pinch salt
1 rasher of bacon
1 chopped clove of garlic
1 breast of chicken
1 tbsp oil or fry light spray
1 free range egg
juice of lemon or lime
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Himalayan salt & black pepper
Parsley to garnish

Start by boiling a pan of salted water for the spaghetti, pop the spaghetti in and cook according to packet instructions
Whilst the spaghetti cooks, melt your oil or fry light spray in a frying pan over medium heat
Slice the bacon and place in the frying pan with the garlic, fry until crispy
Pop the chicken into the frying pan, cook until the chicken is thoroughly cooked all the way through
In a bowl, whisk together the egg, dijon mustard and lemon or lime juice
Once the pasta is cooked, spoon 2 tbsp of salty water into the egg/mustard mixture - mix together well
Drain the pasta, add the pasta back to the frying pan with the egg/mustard mixture on low/medium heat until the egg mixture thickens and becomes creamy and smooth
Once thickened, plate up with some salt & pepper and parsley sprinkled on top to finish! 


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